Thru the Moebius Strip

Thru the Moebius Strip Chinese pinyin mbs hun is a Hong Kongproduced 3DCGI feature film, made in mainland China.

The film was produced in Shenzhen, China by the Institute of Digital Media Technology IDMT. The project began with 200 animators in 2000 and grew to employ more than 400 by the end of production. Unlike traditional Chinese films, the movie was dubbed into English first. Previewed at the Second International Animation and Cartoon Festival at Hangzhou, China on Apriland May 3, 2006,The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005 and received good reviews for the animation work. However film critics have emphasized that the story was mostly catered to the west with eastern elements added in, making it difficult to satisfy any group of audience in any one particular region. ........

Source: Wikipedia